Vessel Ministries

A Christian Speaking & Writing Ministry

Recommendation Letters & Pictures

Ohio CCCU Committee
Mother's Day Weekend in Arkansas
S. California Salvation Army

To Whom It May Concern:

Recently, Kathy Slamp was the guest speaker at our district retreat in Alabama, and she really rang the bell. She is polished without being stuffy; she is funny without being silly; and she is brilliant without being intimidating. For the past 10 years Kathy has been a naturalist for Princess Cruise Lines on the inside cruise of Alaska. She uses many stories and pictures from these experiences to illustrate her messages. They are unforgettable!

Kathy is one of the finest preachers I’ve heard; she's not really a preacher, but she sure hits the bull’s eye. Kathy Slamp is real in the truest since of the word; she loves Jesus, and she has the scars to prove the journey. She doesn't whine about anything, but you can hear the truth garnered from the dark night of the soul. I highly recommend her.

Paulette Woods, Retreat Chair
North Alabama Nazarene Women's Retreat

Email: or

To Whom It May Concern:

What an awesome time the women of our district experienced when attending our Women’s Overnighter in October. Our theme for our time together was “Treasures In Jars Of Clay”. God had so clearly revealed that Kathy Slamp was to be His messenger for our time together – and wow, what an amazing time we had as the Lord spoke through her!

Kathy addresses issues which are very relevant to “real life”. Using her knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures, she shared on dealing with life’s “impossible situations,” finding joy beneath all of life’s experiences, and being God’s vessel in a hurting and dying world. Kathy spoke God’s word with great authority and conviction.

Kathy is gifted in using laughter in her ministry. While the humor brings delight, Kathy has a unique way to use it to draw you to His Word. It is evident that the Holy Spirit’s anointing is upon this woman of God. Her message of holiness and her desire to see wholeness and healing in women is very evident. You indeed will be richly blessed by Kathy's ministry!

Suzi Swarthout, Member Wesleyan Women General Council
3953 9th Avenue
Anoka, MN 55303

Email: or (763) 433-9092

To Whom It May Concern:

For a second time within three years it was to the blessing of Salvation Army women in S. California that Kathy Slamp was the guest speaker at one of their women's confernces. She made such a profound impact as an excellent speaker that we had to invite her back when we were planning a much bigger conference.

The group of over three hundred women who met at the Salvation Army in Tustin was very representitive of life in S. California; they lead very hectic and fast-paced lives; they are of varied cultures and language groups; they are from congregations of differing styles of worship; their socio-economic backgrounds and ages are wide ranged as well. Kathy readily subscribed to the essential goal of bringing together such a diverse group as one in Christ to strengthen and celebrate their unity in Him. She very much understood this mixed audience, and even with translation into Cantonese, Korean, Lao, Portuguese, and Spanish she was very effective in imparting the Word and connecting on a personal level.

Kathy's teaching skills, developed through her many years of teaching, served her well in reaching this very diverse audience. Her down-to-earth appeal, her sense of humor, and her willingness to make herself vulnerable in sharing her own life stories were huge pluses as the women eagerly looked to her ministry. Simply put, Kathy's messages in the plenary sessions were "heard." Several have shared following the event that Kathy's messages helped their own understanding of scriptural teachings. The women also felt free to have personal conversations with Kathy, which is an indication of her Christian maturity and also of her ability to communicate God's message in understandable ways.

Church groups looking for a helpful, practical, Bible-centered speaker will not be disappointed with kathy Slamp.


Lt. Col. Sherryl Van Cleef
 Major Rose-Marie Leslie, W. US Sal. Army Territorial Ex. Secretary for Women

To Whom It May Concern:

The women of the Pacific Conference of the Evangelical Women were privileged to have Kathy Slamp of Vessel Ministries as our 2005 Spring Retreat speaker. What a great time we had!  Kathy is a woman who speaks from her heart. She uses a wonderful blend of Scripture and personal experience to share a message that challenges women to a deeper walk of faith.

As we had the opportunity to review the evalutions from the weekend, we found that our speaker, Kathy Slamp, was a hit!  Woman after woman commented on the spiritual depth of the messages and the new commitments that were made.

I highly recommend Kathy as someone whom you would want to consider as a speaker for your women. Her ministry is definitely anointed by God. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
A Personal Note from Kathy Slamp:  In the summer of 2011, Bev Carey left us for her enternal reward.  Her passing was premature from human perspective, but not in God's eyes.  During her years among us, Bev encouraged us all as she led with humor and maturity despite her own physicla and family challeges.  Bev, you are missed, but we'll see you again one day!
Bev Carey, president, Pacific Conference Evangelical Women

To Whom It May Concern:

It is a wonderful privilege to be writing about an awesome weekend with Kathy Slamp of Vessel Ministries. Kathy was the speaker for our Spring Convention for "Women of the Church of God" of Florida. Kathy is one of those people that you meet and immediately bond with because she makes you feel like you have known her forever. She made a point to meet everyone she could at our convention. The women loved that.She made them feel special.

Kathy is a gifted, sincere and inspirational speaker. She takes those everyday situations, shares them with a bit of humor and touches all who will listen. Then she applies the Word and challenges each one to be all that God would have them to be. God used Kathy's "Vessel of Honor" ministry to meet women right where each one lives.

We were confident in knowing that God had appointed Kathy to be with us, even before our convention. He affirmed that during the weekend. I know God will use Kathy to challenge, inspire and enrich you and your women.

Lois Linamen, State President, Women of the Church of God of Florida

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to highly recommend Kathy Slamp of Vessel Ministries as a guest speaker. We had the privilege of having her at our annual "Ladies' Night Out" at Alice Drive Baptist Church in Sumter, SC. Over 350 ladies from eleven denominations and 59 different churches received a message that was relevant and God-inspired.

Kathy used humor, life experiences, and God's word to encourage and challenge us to trust in God during the times of trials in our lives. Kathy made the women feel at ease, and they responded to the genuine style with which she delivered those words. We received over 100 prayer requests that assured us that the ladies needed to hear this message and know that God is in control and will walk with them through His already planned purpose.

I always rejoice that God sends the perfect person to each of our events at the perfect time and that lives are forever changed and renewed. I believe that Kathy would bring a special blessing to any ladies' event and your audience will leave having encountered God.

Joyce Dragstedt, Women's Dir., Alice Drive Baptist, Sumter, SC

To Whom It May Concern:

Kathy Slamp, an exceptional woman and excellent speaker, delivered a powerful message for our annual District Women's Enrichment Retreat. The response was awesome! Over 185 multi-cultural women attended and many made new decisions and commitments to the Lord. The Holy Spirit's anointing was very evident in every session.

Women talked about Kathy the entire retreat, how much they enjoyed and loved her. We heard, and continue to hear, positive comments about her message and challenging delivery. What a beautiful testimony she has of how God continues to use her to impact 21st century women. The content of her messages is excellent, hitting on many points that women need to hear.

On behalf of our district council, I would recommend Kathy whole- heartedly for your next speaking engagement. I have used her on two different districts for various events, and she never fails to produce a powerfully positive outcome. She will be a blessing to have around your women and will be very supportive and encouraging to them at your retreat or conference. She is energetic, enthusiastic and very "real." She's an excellent choice for a keynote speaker.

Jerelyn Rickey, SW Okla. Nazarene (now N. Alabama Nazarene)


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Book Kathy Slamp

Vessel Ministries is booking engagements for Spring & Fall 2025. We would love to add your event to this itinerary.  Please contact Kathy Slamp to finalize details.

In addition to retreats and special event speaking, we also offer  speaking for mission services & Faith Promise Conventions.

Three years ago, we returned from 5 amazing years in Africa. During these years we visited Ethiopia, Rwanda, Malawi, Madagascar, Namibia, S. Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya Swaziland, Cote d' Avoire, the Congo, Zambia Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesota, Liberia, & Mozambique. 

Beyond measure, this was blessed. Africa changed our lives, and we will never be the same.

Check out Kathy here:

Speakers I Recommend

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Alaska, Africa, Israel, Thailand, China, Montenegro, S. America, New Zealand, China and more added regularly.  

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