God is Greater Than...
After listening to dozens of men and women around the country, this series has evolved. It can either include three or four messages depending upon the time frame of your retreat or conference. The series includes these four messages: (1) The Lies We Listen to... (2) The Mistakes We Make (our sins) (3) Our Inadequacies, and (4) Orr Brokenness. If you group is typical, they will really resonated with these timely messages!
Undeserved Forgiveness... Based on the Old Testament story of Joseph and his brothers, we look specifically at Genesis Chapter 50. After Isaac died, Joseph's brothers are fearful that Joseph will exact revenge on them. They don't understand that LONG ago, Joseph forgave them and moved ahead with his life. Because Joseph was able to do this, God used him. The world is full of bitterness, resentment, and grudges--both IN and OUT of the church. If we want to be victorious and contagious Christians, the Bible teaches that we MUST forgive. This is a timely and serious topic that stirs honesty in people's hearts.
A Vessel of Honor... God has no method to reveal His love to a hurting, dying world than through us. This message (II Cor. 4:7) encourages people to have confidence in their vessels in order to share the amazing treasure--which is: Christ in you, the hope of glory. This is Kathy's most frequently requested message.
Between the Devil & the Deep Red Sea... Based on the life of Moses and the Exodus, this message helps audiences understand that when they are at their ultimate extremities and in an impossible situation, that is when God can work a miracle.
"I Choose Joy" or A River Runs Under It: Suffering or pain in some form is an intregal part of everyone's life. This message teaches that joy is not fabricated, but is accessed through our pain. Underneath all pain, there can be a river of "joy in the Lord" despite circumstances. As Christians, we can make a volitional choice to "choose joy!" And with that, comes a flood of God's blessings. This message is one of the biggest encouragement to audiences during these days!
You've Got Dad's Hands... This message (John 14) helps listeners see that although the world cannot see the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit, His spirit can be seen in our lives. The life of the spirit is not what is seen, but what is felt through our spirits.
When the Door Slams on Your Hand: In the adventure called life; we suffer hurts, burns, and disastrous surprises! Sometimes, we are hurt by one we love; or we might get “burned” by a careless mistake of our own making; and then occasionally, circumstances come crashing down around us unexpectedly and seemingly out of our control. It is only with God’s help that we can effectively deal with life’s hurts, burns, and disasters. To be victorious, we must meet each of them with authenticity, courage, and grace. Using several humorous personal antidotes and Scriptures from Romans 12 and II Cor. 4, Kathy weaves a dramatic and poignant real-life message that will stir the heart of any listener.
The Little Orange Boat: The church in America is so blessed that it's difficult for us to realize that people are floundering and dying all around us. In 2003 Kathy witnessed a spectacular rescue at sea. In this message Kathy blends her knowledge of the scriptures with her unique storytelling style, and augments them with graphic photos of this incident. This message is a stirring challenge to the church to get out of our "luxury liner" churches with all the opulence and beauty, get into the lifeboats, and "rescue the perishing."
The Glory Hole... Based on Psalms 92, this message focuses on the need for God's continued "anointing" on our lives. Yesterday's blessings were for then, but He has glory and blessing available to us now. This message is a great source of encouragement and blessing to audiences. From "glory to glory" He's changing me!
Dealing With Stress In an Uptight World... This message addresses the stresses and pressures that confront us daily and gives us clear scriptural answers for them. It reveals the cycle of dispair and the pattern of discouragement that we can fall prey to when we are not well-rested both physically and in the Lord. (It is one of Kathy's most requested messages).
So! This Is What I Get for Being Loyal! From the parable of the prodigal son, this message focuses on the older brother. Many Christians today are doing all the right things for a lot of the wrong reasons. This message reminds us that when our hearts aren't pure, we can become victims of bitterness, resentment, and a judgemental attitude. It's, then, impossible for us to "Come to the Party."
Heaven? I'm Going There! What's this life all about anyway? We know that there is a better place, but life sidetracks us, and we soon forget about God's promise of heaven. This "scripture-packed" message about heaven will bless, challenge, and inspire the hearer to keep focused on our ultimate goal--heaven--the joy of being with Jesus and the thrill of taking others with us.
Stuck in Winnemucca... And other topics are available to fit your theme as requested.
Also Available: Kathy conducts a highly effective one-day seminar for pastors and church office workers. Click here for more information: Office Seminar
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Vessel Ministries is booking engagements for Spring & Fall 2025. We would love to add your event to the Vessel itinerary. Please contact Kathy Slamp to finalize details.
Besides retreats and special event speaking, we also offer speaking for mission services & Faith Promise Conventions.
Three years ago, we returned from 5 amazing years in Africa. During these years we visited Ethiopia, Rwanda, Malawi, Botswana, Madagascar, Namibia, S. Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Swaziland, Cote d' Avoire, the Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Liberia, Ghana, and Mozambique.
Beyond measure, this was blessed. Africa changed our lives, and we will never be the same.
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Alaska, Africa, Israel, Thailand, China, Montenegro, S. America, New Zealand, China and more added regularly.
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