Vessel Ministries

A Christian Speaking & Writing Ministry

2012 Northwest Ministry Conference in Seattle

This weekend was the 7th (or 8th) year in a row that I've been privileged to present at the Northwest Ministry Conference in Seattle, Washington.  This is the largest conference of its kind in the US, and over 3,000 people attend.  There are dozens of workshops and fabulous worship sessions.  Once again, Vessel was asked to present a full day pre-session for Church Office workers.  And, as we've done for all the years, our booth was one of over 100 or more booths.  I believe it was the best year yet for making connections, learning about other ministries, and introducing the mission of Vessel Ministries to dozens of men and women.

Many of you I got to meet for the first time, and I also had the thrill of renewing "old" friendships.  Two were amazing:  I reconnected with Rhonda, a woman with a family of her own.  Rhonda was a little girl over 30 years ago in our church in El Paso, Texas.  Then, the son of one of my college classmates introduced himself to me.  That was neat, too.

In addition to the booth and the pre-session, I led two different workshops: one for people interested in women's ministry and the other on the topic of JOY.  They were both great, but the "JOY" session was amazing.  To my surprise, the room was packed and people were standing.  I believe the attendees left encouraged and blessed. And, that was my prayer.

People attend this conference from nearly every state in the union, but if you are anywhere in the Northwest, I encourage you to attempt to put it on your agenda for 2013.  They have workshops and booths with experts on ANY area of ministry that you can name or imagine.

Rhonda (Kough) Davis with David and Me at the NW Conference, 2012

Rhonda was a girl in our church in El Paso, Texas over 30 years ago!


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Comment by Lara Matarrese on March 26, 2012 at 9:58pm

I had the privilege of attending both of your workshops at the Northwest Ministry conference this year. I was so blessed by your spirit and joy for the Lord! Thank you for sharing your ministry with us! I have found great inspiration in your book on "Mastering Women's Ministry". God Bless your sweet heart <3

Book Kathy Slamp

Vessel Ministries is booking engagements for Spring & Fall 2025. We would love to add your event to this itinerary.  Please contact Kathy Slamp to finalize details.

In addition to retreats and special event speaking, we also offer  speaking for mission services & Faith Promise Conventions.

Three years ago, we returned from 5 amazing years in Africa. During these years we visited Ethiopia, Rwanda, Malawi, Madagascar, Namibia, S. Africa, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya Swaziland, Cote d' Avoire, the Congo, Zambia Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesota, Liberia, & Mozambique. 

Beyond measure, this was blessed. Africa changed our lives, and we will never be the same.

Check out Kathy here:

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